The oc/Pilot Electronic Flight Bag is the way to fly as an Airbus A320 pilot for the virtual airline "air septimanie" from your Android tablet.Logon and register your flights, perform take-off performance, fuel and weight calculations and determine the optimal take-off settings and flight profile for your flight ... and use the sophisticated landing and approach calculations with the ability to simulate various weather scenarios and system failures and their effect on landing speed, distances and so on ...It does also autmatically use the latest weather information from the NOAA aviation weather center for airport METARs and provides links to the NOAA WAFS web site and the Icelandic MET Office WAFC web site for high-level wind, significant weather and turbulence forecasts. You can also follow your flight on the in-build virtual radar. Furthermore it does also contain links to the Navigraph Charts web site (Navigraph Charts or Ultimate subscription required) and more useful information, such as aircraft data, performance tables, technical TCAS information and so on.